Cloak of Shadows Art Cloak of Shadows Art Wow

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Outset your review of Cloak of Shadows (Forgotten Realms: Shadow of the Avatar, #2)
Marc *Dark Reader of the Woods*
I waver betwixt one and two stars for this novel only because it was surprisingly improve that Ed Greenwood's usual Forgotten Realms books, but it's yet quite bad overall and I cannot recommend it to anyone.

The (Comparatively) Adept:

* I was shocked to find little chip of character evolution. The interchangeable psychopathic Harpers that I described in my review for Shadows of Doom remain basically interchangeable and one-dimensional, but they received a footling scrap of backstory. One of them

I waver betwixt 1 and two stars for this novel only because it was surprisingly better that Ed Greenwood'southward usual Forgotten Realms books, but it'southward withal quite bad overall and I cannot recommend it to anyone.

The (Comparatively) Good:

* I was shocked to find little bit of graphic symbol development. The interchangeable psychopathic Harpers that I described in my review for Shadows of Doom remain basically interchangeable and ane-dimensional, but they received a little bit of backstory. Ane of them is revealed to accept a compelling urge to kill on occasion, so yay, literal psychopath! What a great foundation for a hero.

* Fifty-fifty Elminster received some character development, in a scene in which he explains why often needs to take lives, for the good of the realms.

* Information technology was not an endless slay-fest! It very well could accept been given the setup (Malaugrym, a society of magic-wielding shapeshifters, have advantage of the chaos acquired by the Time of Troubles to endeavour and take out their historic period-old enemy, Elminster, and thus remove their master obstacle to seizing power in Faerun. There was certainly some large-scale slaughter, but in full the story had much more multifariousness than the first part of this trilogy.

The (Unsurprisingly) Bad:

* Greenwood'south usual bloated sentences.

* The endless jocular comraderie of the master characters; information technology's tiresome, banal, fails to endear the characters to me at all. Even other people they meet in the book say, "Are they always similar this?"

* The lack of a singular story. I institute the variety of plot easier to become through than Shadows of Doom, merely then much of it was merely Elminster having random mini-encounters. Ostensibly he was countering the chaos of the Fourth dimension of Troubles, but "Elminster intervenes in a smattering of problematic situations" doesn't make for a unified novel.

* Elminster'south damn pipe. Information technology seems to have been intended to be similar an additional character. No thank you, giddy floating magical pipage that goes off to impale Malaugrym past itself.

*The primary enemies become old fast. I go information technology, shapeshifters, constantly changing, lots of tentacles. All of them with the same scheming and overconfident personality that infuses all of Greenwood's villains.

*The ending was exceptionally weak. Sharantyr and the Harpers may as well non take been there, their just existent function was to carry a sword and a stone with a ghost in it, the ghost and sword did all the piece of work that Elminster and the other "Chosen of

Greenwood Mystra" didn't do themselves without breaking a sweat.

The "No Comment":

Ed Greenwood's contemporaneous writer photo:

A picture show I drew of Elminster while on holiday:

And with that, I appear to have at present read 55 Forgotten Realms novels, in publication order. WHYYYYYYYYyyyyy......??????

Sep 30, 2013 rated it did not like it
Terrible. I don't empathise why this is the 2d book in a trilogy. Besides the fact it contains main of the aforementioned characters equally the get-go Shadows volume it is a completely different story.

It also has all the problems of the commencement book, muddled and confusing scenes, locations and situations. I have no thought what was going on nearly of the time.

Terrible. I don't understand why this is the second book in a trilogy. Too the fact it contains chief of the same characters as the first Shadows volume information technology is a completely different story.

It also has all the problems of the get-go book, muddled and disruptive scenes, locations and situations. I have no idea what was going on most of the fourth dimension.

Jacob Brewer
Volume was Okay. The series leaves you dislocated on when the time of trouble happens. I idea it was suppose to happen in the offset book and it happens in this book. Information technology'due south hard to tell the time of problem has occurred as but about every person using spells has no problems casting spells. The simply thing this book has in common with the first book in this 3 role series is the iv main characters. The offset book set people and events that this book just left in the past to create new threats and pr Book was Okay. The series leaves you confused on when the time of problem happens. I thought information technology was suppose to happen in the first volume and it happens in this book. It'due south hard to tell the fourth dimension of trouble has occurred as just about every person using spells has no issues casting spells. The merely thing this book has in mutual with the outset book in this 3 part series is the 4 main characters. The first volume gear up up people and events that this volume only left in the by to create new threats and problems.

The volume doesn't really give a clear view while reading it where it will lead. It's similar the characters are just doing cause and reaction throughout the volume. The last hundred pages while interesting feel like a Forgotten Realms version of Alice in Wonderland. Though it was interesting it moved at a slow stride and then jumped to the main battle out of nowhere. The principal battle was over in about a page so the story ended suddenly.

The story merely felt like information technology moved at a ho-hum step introducing new people and new plots while not really having a clear view of where information technology was going to lead to. The building up was small and the climax was anticlimactic. According to the next book it's suppose to continue the story.

Upon reading the first two books I don't see how they tie in with the Avatar serial as El meet Midnight alone throughout the Avatar serial and fifty-fifty supposedly dies in it. Throughout the Shadow's series he'south in a quartet. I nonetheless feel like this Shadow series is to evidence how important El is since he'south not the master character in the Avatar book series.

Don Brown
Feb 21, 2018 rated it did non similar it
I am the wrong audience for this volume and the trilogy every bit a whole. It but wasn't for me, and then I should keep my comments brief. I have read the beginning two of the trilogy'due south books and they are terrible. So far, the Shadow of the Avatar books are like reading some munchkin player's bad D&D game. Four main characters walk through masses of bad guys with no run a risk or danger. The true heroes of the starting time two books are magic items, non the characters. A magic healing ring that works miracles saves the 24-hour interval ma I am the wrong audition for this book and the trilogy as a whole. It just wasn't for me, so I should proceed my comments brief. I take read the first ii of the trilogy's books and they are terrible. So far, the Shadow of the Avatar books are like reading some munchkin player's bad D&D game. Iv main characters walk through masses of bad guys with no run a risk or danger. The true heroes of the first two books are magic items, not the characters. A magic healing ring that works miracles saves the day many times, especially in the first book. In "Cloak of Shadows," the existent hero is a sword that Sharantyr easily and inexplicably gets from a goddess. The worst offender is Elminster, an uber powerful meddler, trickster and all effectually annoying personality that cannot be stopped. His magic is always more powerful than a given foe and he always has the correct band, wand or that stupid pipe that does everything. Reading his scenes is tedious and boring.

I have one more book to read then I am, thankfully, washed with this trilogy. I paid for the books, said I'd read them, and so they get on eBay. I cannot recommend this volume to fantasy readers. It is so awful. But, if you lot like reading near D&D and how a min/max mentality works, then you might like this.

...more than
Steven Wendell
Good follow up to volume 1

A skilful story for more obscure D&D lore and planes info. Fills in a good portion of the Time of Troubles pretty well. Likewise this is the starting time time I tin can recall reading about a one on i convo with the Overgod Ao which was cool.

Jul 15, 2021 rated information technology it was ok
Gods, Greenwood gets worse and worse as he writes more and more. How information technology is possible for an author to actually LOSE their power to write characters is beyond me, just Greenwood manages it. Confusing pace, nonsensical deific intervention, and bizarre characterization fill this "novel". Gods, Greenwood gets worse and worse every bit he writes more and more. How information technology is possible for an author to really LOSE their ability to write characters is beyond me, merely Greenwood manages it. Disruptive pace, nonsensical deific intervention, and baroque characterization fill up this "novel". ...more
Jared McCrackin
I like the trio of rangers in this story very much, And Elminster getting to speak with Ao is actually cool.
Jan 18, 2022 rated it liked it
I've never laughed so much with a Forgotten Realms book before. I've never laughed so much with a Forgotten Realms volume before. ...more
Feb 19, 2010 rated information technology it was amazing
Synopsis - This book is nearly the Malaugrym, shapeshifters that live in the demiplane of Shadow, and theiry attempt to dominion Toril. In this novel, Sharantyr, Belkram and Itharr go on a mission from Mystra to become to the Castle of Shadows and impale Malaugrym.

Nomenclature -
Audition: thirteen+
Purpose: Entertainment
Medium: Novel
Genre - Setting: Fantasy
Genre - Style: Idealism
Genre - Plot: Activity/Adventure

Crticism - Another excelllent Activity/Adventure novel by Ed Greenwood. In Cloak of Shadows once the actio

Synopsis - This book is about the Malaugrym, shapeshifters that live in the demiplane of Shadow, and theiry attempt to dominion Toril. In this novel, Sharantyr, Belkram and Itharr go along a mission from Mystra to go to the Castle of Shadows and kill Malaugrym.

Classification -
Audition: 13+
Purpose: Amusement
Medium: Novel
Genre - Setting: Fantasy
Genre - Style: Idealism
Genre - Plot: Activity/Chance

Crticism - Another excelllent Activeness/Adventure novel by Ed Greenwood. In Cloak of Shadows once the action starts information technology never stops until the volume is over and the abiding shift in plot makes this novel an splendid read for anyone that likes Action/Adventure or Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms world.

Apr 13, 2009 rated information technology liked it
I've decided that there is no telling about this author. I actually enjoyed this book! I was really suprised, but information technology was a good 1. This story focused on the Muaulgrym, a agglomeration of shapshifters that the Elminster has been chasing around for about 5 books now. Anywho, this story was way better than the offset one in this series (unlike the other series I've read by Greenwood), and I'k hoping that somehow the last one will be good too...nosotros'll come across. I've decided that there is no telling almost this author. I actually enjoyed this book! I was actually suprised, but it was a adept 1. This story focused on the Muaulgrym, a bunch of shapshifters that the Elminster has been chasing around for most 5 books now. Anywho, this story was mode better than the first one in this series (different the other serial I've read past Greenwood), and I'm hoping that somehow the last one will be good as well...we'll meet. ...more than
Mar 29, 2008 rated it information technology was amazing
One of the best series in The Forgotten Realms. Ed Greenwood is masterful at using colourful, hilarious characters while still maintaining the seriousness of his story. This is a series I read over and over.
Barbi Faye (The Book Fae)
Sep 16, 2014 rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: Lady Knights
Recommended to Barbi Faye (The Book Fae) past: Rob
A fourth dimension of trouble for all beasties that roam Faerun. Shadowmasters have increased their power while Mystra and company were engaged. The shadow over Faerun spreads over all; old mages Lady Knights, warrior women, shapeshifters, rangers, Necromancers and hobgoblins. A solid fantasy read.
Justin Ross
This book is arranged similar a periodical with fantasy globe dates. If follows a couple different characters including Elminster the uber powerful wizard from the forgotten realms. Information technology was an ok read, maybe it would bear witness better if you read the previous book in the series.
April 28, 2015 rated it liked it
Did not experience similar a 2nd volume in the trilogy - also some of the storytelling was disruptive and didnt amount also much. An OK fantasy book but nothing much else at that place..only for fans. 6/ten
Jan eighteen, 2009 rated it it was ok
Cloak of Shadows (Forgotten Realms: The Shadow of the Avatar, Book 2) past Ed Greenwood (1995)
Austin Burns
less good than the first 1. cartoonishly evil shape shifters were hard to picture and follow what was happening.
Marko Kervinen
Corbin Jones
Ed Greenwood is the creator of the Forgotten Realms fantasy world, which became the setting for his home D&D game in 1975. Play still continues in this long-running campaign, and Ed also keeps busy producing Realmslore for various TSR publications.

Ed has published over ii hundred articles in Dragon magazine and Polyhedron newszine, is a lifetime charter member of the Role Playing Game Associaton

Ed Greenwood is the creator of the Forgotten Realms fantasy globe, which became the setting for his home D&D game in 1975. Play still continues in this long-running campaign, and Ed also keeps busy producing Realmslore for diverse TSR publications.

Ed has published over two hundred articles in Dragon magazine and Polyhedron newszine, is a lifetime charter member of the Role Playing Game Associaton (RPGA) network, has written over thirty books and modules for TSR, and been Gen Con Game Off-white guest of honor several times.

In add-on to all these activities, Ed works as a library clerk and has edited over a dozen small press magazines.

Invented the grapheme Elminster from the popular Forgotten Realms RPG series. Currently resides in an former farmhouse in the countryside of Ontario, Canada.


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